MDFS Documentation
Developpers or computer geeks.
Documentation for end users is here:
MDFS User Site:
A Weblog by the main developer is here:
MDFS Weblog:
MDFS is a simple Distributed File System for Linux and Windows implemented in C++. Simple because it is not a kernel module, just an application running in the background.
You can use it to access (view, download, upload) files on a remote computer, for automatically backing up your file on a remote server, etc...
Because MDFS is focused on modularity, you can easily write your own client or server. For example you could also use it to manage a web site dynamic content: imagine your web site is a weblog with articles stored in a DB, with a special MDFS server and a normal client, you could see the weblog sections as directories and the individuals weblog articles as files. Writing a new weblog articles could be as simple as writing a text file locally and store it locally in a special MDFS directory. MDFS will do the rest automatically: upload the file content, and the special server will store it into your web site database.
- portability
- security
- modularity (C++ modules can be easily replaced)
- client side persistent caching
- replication servers
- location transparency: the path name does not reveal the file location
- location independance: files can be moved and all references to them continue to be valid
- 2004-03-19:
- No longer depends on the Berleley DB, we do not need it actually. It is ok to put the DB in memory.
- File tranfers work, and we have a even nicer Windows GUI.
- The CVS is old (maybe version 0.4) because I am now focusing on the Windows version sice there is more users now. The code is portable of course, but when I am on my windows box I am not testing the port to Linux and I update the CVS only if it is compilable on my linux box....
- 2004-02-23: All but the file tranfers works, and we even have a nice Windows GUI
- 2004-01-03: This sourceforge account has just been opened, so I will update the content soon. Basic functionalities are almost done.
MDFS main class is mdfs::MDFS, start by looking at it to study how MDFS works.
A DFS is based on a client/server arhitecture. mdfs::MDFS take care of both side, ie server and client.
The network protocol is for now only based on TCP. The protocol is made of XML messages.
Each C++ module can easily be replaced without affecting the other.
MDFS SourceForge project page and download

Generated on Sat Jan 3 03:14:20 2004 for MDFS by