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mdfs::MConnection Struct Reference

#include <MDistributedFileSystem.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MConnection ()

Public Attributes

std::string Host
int Port
std::string LocalIP
bool IsServerLocal
MUser User
TIME ConDate
mdfs::MConnection::MInfos Infos

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mdfs::MConnection::MConnection  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

TIME mdfs::MConnection::ConDate

std::string mdfs::MConnection::Host

struct mdfs::MConnection::MInfos mdfs::MConnection::Infos

bool mdfs::MConnection::IsServerLocal

std::string mdfs::MConnection::LocalIP

int mdfs::MConnection::Port

MUser mdfs::MConnection::User

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Generated on Sat Jan 3 03:14:20 2004 for MDFS by doxygen1.3.5